
House of Panama es una organización 501(c)3 sin fines de lucro con sede en San Diego, CA. Fundada en agosto de 1989, House of Panama apoya a la comunidad panameña celebrando nuestra cultura y herencia; contribuyendo en actividades étnicas y educativas; compartiendo nuestra historia, arte, música y danza; y proporcionando oportunidades de becas.

Balboa Park es uno de los principales destinos de San Diego. Se llama "Balboa" porque el explorador Vasco Núñez de Balboa fue el primer europeo en cruzar el Istmo de Panamá hasta el Océano Pacífico y el Parque ofrecía una amplia vista del Océano Pacífico. La ciudad de San Diego fue también el primer puerto importante de escala para los barcos que pasaban por el Canal de Panamá cuando se inauguró en 1915. Más información
The House of Panama is a non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose main purpose is to participate in the activities of the "House of Pacific Relations"; to present to the public the traditions, music and culture of the Republic of Panama; and to contribute to foster and cultivate a spirit of understanding, tolerance and goodwill between all the national groups residing in the city of San Diego, California.

In 1987, the House of Panama was accepted as a conditional member of the House of Pacific Relations. In August of 1989, the House of Panama became an official member of the House of Pacific Relations.

A dance group was also formed and named the House of Panama Dance Group, which included children and adults. In 1995, the folkloric dance group changed its name to "Sonares de Mi Tierra" (Sounds of My Land) and has performed in many community events and private parties.

The House of Panama is the first Panamanian cultural house in a museum setting outside of the Isthmus of Panama. We are one of 33 National Groups under the umbrella of the House of Pacific Relations, International Cottages, Inc., which is part of beautiful Balboa Park, in San Diego, California. We are supported by donations as well as the hard work of our members who volunteer at each and every fundraiser.

Read more about our Founder: Mrs. Dorotea Lindsay

Panama and Balboa Park

In 1915, the City of San Diego hosted a Panama-California International Exposition to celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal. San Diego was the first major port of call for ships passing through the newly opened Panama Canal.

In an effort to solidify the San Diego-Panama connection, the name of the park was changed to Balboa Park. This was done in honor of Spanish-born Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, the first European to spot the Pacific Ocean while on exploration in Panama. 

More Information about the Panama-California Exposition

Our Charter

As a non-profit organization, the House of Panama tries to help organizations in Panama. Over the years, the House of Panama has sent medications to the Association of Diabetics and walking canes to the Society of the Blind in the City of Colon. The House of Panama has also helped several Panamanian families in need in California.

Under the umbrella of the House of Pacific Relations (HPR) the House of Panama participates in 3 major events:
  1. HPR Ethnic Food Fair
  2. HPR August Summer Lawn Program
  3. HPR December Nights
We also participate in several community events throughout the county, see our current event list on our Calendar.

The House of Panama has also established a High School Scholarship Fund and has awarded several student awards of over $500.00. We also participate in the House of Pacific Relations (HPR) Queens organization. In 2013, Delia Morris held the first Panamanian Business Expo to connect with Panamanian business owners.

With over 25 years of existence, the House of Panama is still going strong. The House of Panama Board, members, and supporters have focused all efforts to complete funding for a Museum in Balboa Park. Our mission is to get the full support of all Panamanians throughout the world to become members of this unique organization.

2023 Board of Directors

Carlylse Cave, President
Dyrol Amantine, Vice President
Yolanda Burgess, Treasurer
Jamilah Daniel, Secretary
Dorotea Lindsay, Founder and Assistant Officer